Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fresh sights...sites...cites in new works.


[brain-sic begins]
...websites/design/pages/how?/paintings?/sections/flow/illustrations/print/books/macputer/software/macputerdead/crap/graphics/tattoos/animation/e-card store/macputerdead/crap....[pause]woah,waitamin,whatsgoingonhere.....crap
[brain-sic ends]

What are my real intentions? Had it changed?

On ruminating my master-web design ideas, I came to realize that I LOVE creating art...of any kind. That not only do I want to do and sell paintings, I want to seriously get back into new-media arts as well.

I was a full-time Multimedia designer. I suppose...I still sort of am but my roles have changed and are more stretched out. At work, I usually refer myself as Girl Friday. But I digress...

So, I want to do all kinds of art.

Just recently, by chance, I was given several opportunities to work with two non-profit organizations that needed some online graphic works. Boy!!! So much fun. It really reminded me how much I love this medium.

I also really miss animating with Flash. A few years back, for fun, I had designed/animated e-cards for special days. It started in 2007; I had wanted to sent out a Halloween e-card but could not find anything that was funny or original. I suddenly realized...hey, why don't I just make one up? My friends loved the e-card. I started making a bunch. BOOM! An idea - one day I want an e-card store. People all over the web can use my e-cards. My e-card store would have unusual designs and be called 'Can we still be friends?'....hahahahah!!

Below is a static e-card I made. It was hand-drawn and scanned and colored digitally!! Beware readers...I do have an odd sense of humor.

My First gallery Show

A Halloween E-card 2010

Guess in some way, I have evolved, and so will this Blog. I and Blog will unfurl our wings. Don't focus is still painting...just gonna do some sub-art.

I suppose I should update the banner and add somewhere on it, "...and other art stuff..."?


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tic, tac, toe'd...

(Fyi: Below was written about April 28 – managed just enough backbone to overcome a smidgen of procrastination....much)

It's been a month since the gallery show. What an awesome experience! There is something to be said about having your paintings on display in an art show. It's almost like eating freshly baked bread with a good cup of Earl Grey, or getting a Guinness (er possibly a few) with friends at my local pub. There is such a satisfying feeling about it.

My First gallery Show

My First art gallery show - with two of my paintings.
The painting closer to the foreground won 'People's Choice Award'

So the 'experience'? There's about an hour or so of awkwardness. I really did not know what to expect. Beyond making sure your painting is hung to your liking and the pricing is correct, you are mostly skulking (and honestly, trying to look cool and nonchalant) around your paintings and at the reception, chit chatting about your know sharing with visitors about the vision...'the idea'...

“…the idea came from this deep sated need to establish the connection...”

...yabba-dabba-doo and so on.

Highlights? Besides having the paintings up, I met a few fabulous artists. It's interesting to observe how each one started with their creative flow. I met an amazing artist who was showcasing her works on sunflowers!! She is like me in some ways. She works in a Corporate world thought moreso in the Financial side. She has been doing painting for 10 years! Wow! Loved her and her works. It's quite Van Gogh-ish but not sure she'd appreciate the comparisons. I suppose all artist wants to feel original...(quietly noting Picasso's quote, "good artists borrows, great artist steals')

So what next?

I have tic'ed. I have tac'ed. I have toe'd! Website's next.